Записи с меткой «+ Евангелие от Филиппа»

Библиотека / Исследования

  1. 1962 - Wilson R.McL. The Gospel of Philip. Translated from the Coptic text, with an Introduction and Commentary [pdf]
  2. 1969 - Christentum und gnosis [pdf]
  3. 1979 - Трофимова М.К. Историко-философские вопросы гностицизма [Тексты] [djvu] [pdf]
  4. 1989 - Nag Hammadi Codex II,2-7, together with XIII, 2 Brit. Lib. Or. 4926(1) and P. Oxy. 1, 654, 655. Volume I [Тексты] [pdf]
  5. 1990 - Desjardins M.R. Sin in Valentinianism [pdf]
  6. 1990 - The Nag Hammadi Library. The Definitive Translation of the Gnostic Scriptures Complete in One Volume [pdf]
  7. 1995 - Николаев Ю. В поисках Божества. Очерки из истории гностицизма [djvu] [pdf]
  8. 1996 - Marjanen A. The Woman Jesus Loved. Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library and Related Documents [pdf]
  9. 1996 - Turner M.L. The Gospel According to Philip. The Sources and Coherence of an Early Christian Collection [pdf]
  10. 1997 - Schenke H.-M. Das Philippus-Evangelium (Nag-Hammadi-Codex II,3) [pdf]
  11. 1998 - Lüdemann G., Janssen M. Suppressed prayers. Gnostic Spirituality in Early Christianity [Тексты] [pdf]
  12. 2000 - Images of the Feminine in Gnosticism [pdf]
  13. 2002 - Knjižnica Nag Hammadi. Evanđelje po Tomi, ostala gnostička Evanđelja i spisi pronađeni kod Nag hammadija [Тексты] [pdf]
  14. 2003 - Thomas at the Crossroads. Essays on the Gospel of Thomas [pdf]
  15. 2003 - Leloup J.-Y. The Gospel of Philip. Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and The Gnosis of Sacred Union [pdf]
  16. 2004 - Bermejo F., García Bazán F., Montserrat Torrents J., Piñero A., Trevijano R. Textos gnósticos. Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi II. Evangelios, hechos, cartas [Тексты] [pdf]
  17. 2005 - Thomassen E. The Spiritual Seed. The Church of the «Valentinians» [pdf]
  18. 2006 - Jacobs A. The Essential Gnostic Gospels [Тексты] [pdf]
  19. 2007 - Lester M. The Everything Gnostic Gospels Book. A Complete Guide to the Secret Gospels [epub] [pdf]
  20. 2010 - Lundhaug H. Images of Rebirth. Cognitive Poetics and Transformational Soteriology in the Gospel of Philip and the Exegesis on the Soul [pdf]
  21. 2011 - Barnstone W., Meyer M.W. Essential Gnostic Scriptures [Тексты] [epub] [pdf]
  22. 2012 - Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature. Ideas and Practices [pdf]
  23. 2013 - Practicing Gnosis. Ritual, Magic, Theurgy and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature [pdf]
  24. 2014 - Lewis N.D. I manoscritti di Nag Hammadi. Una biblioteca gnostica del IV secolo [pdf]
  25. 2015 - The New Testament and Gnosis. Essays in honour of Robert McL. Wilson [pdf]
  26. 2017 - Евлампиев И.И. Неискажённое христианство и его первоисточники [pdf]
  27. 2020 - Smith G.S. Valentinian Christianity. Texts and Translations [Тексты] [pdf]
  28. 2020 - Valentinianism. New Studies [pdf]
  29. 2021 - Brakke D., Layton B. The Gnostic Scriptures [Тексты] [pdf]

Библиотека / + Не только о гнозисе

  1. 1980 - Свенцицкая И.С. Тайные писания первых христиан [djvu] [pdf] [txt]
  2. 1981 - Russell J.B. Satan. The Early Christian Tradition [pdf]
  3. 1987 - Свенцицкая И.С. Раннее христианство. Страницы истории [djvu] [doc] [fb2.zip] [pdf]
  4. 1989 - Свенцицкая И.С., Трофимова М.К. Апокрифы древних христиан [Тексты] [doc] [pdf]
  5. 1990 - New Testament Apocrypha. Volume One. Gospels and Related Writings [Тексты] [pdf]
  6. 2002 - Matthews C.R. Philip. Apostle and Evangelist. Configurations of a Tradition [pdf]
  7. 2003 - Владимиров А.В. Апостолы. Гностико-эллинские истоки христианства [djvu] [pdf] [mp3.zip]
  8. 2005 - Meyer M.W. The Unknown Sayings of Jesus. A treasury of aphorisms, parables, and teachings from early Christian, Jewish, and Islamic sources [pdf]
  9. 2005 - Beattie G. Women and Marriage in Paul and his Early Interpreters [pdf]
  10. 2006 - Ehrman B.D. Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code [pdf]
  11. 2007 - Эрман Б.Д. Тайна Иисуса и Марии Магдалины [djvu] [fb2.zip] [pdf]
  12. 2008 - Ehrman B.D. Pietro Paolo e Maria Maddalena. Storia e leggenda dei primi seguaci di Gesu [pdf]
  13. 2008 - Ehrman B.D. Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene. The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend [pdf]
  14. 2009 - Эрман Б.Д. Пётр, Павел и Мария Магдалина. Последователи Иисуса в истории и легендах [djvu] [fb2.zip] [pdf]
  15. 2009 - Foster P. The Apocryphal Gospels. A Very Short Introduction [pdf]
  16. 2011 - Vogt Turner L.E. Mary Magdalene. Her Image and Relationship to Jesus [pdf]
  17. 2015 - Wilkinson R.J. Tetragrammaton. Western Christians and the Hebrew Name of God. From the Beginnings to the Seventeenth Century [pdf]
  18. 2015 - The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha [epub] [pdf]
  19. 2017 - The Eucharist — Its Origins and Contexts. Sacred Meal, Communal Meal, Table Fellowship in Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity [pdf]

Библиотека / + Гнозис негностиков

  1. 1994 - Hoeller S.A. Jung and the Lost Gospels. Insights into the Dead Sea scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library [pdf]
  2. 2014 - Хёллер С. Юнг и утерянные Евангелия [pdf]

Библиотека / Статьи и комментарии

  1. Родин Е.В. Сирийская реконструкция гностических текстов [pdf]
  2. 1995 - Трофимова М.К. Мария Магдалина коптских гностических текстов [pdf]
  3. 2012 - Мома А. Восприятие смерти в гностической традиции начала христианской эры [pdf]
  4. 2018 - Хосроев А.Л. О слове ϫⲱⲕⲙ (λουτρόν, βάπτισμα) в 2СлСиф 58.15-16 (NHC VII.2) и о раннехристианском «крещении» вообще. Часть 4 [pdf]

Библиотека / Журналы, конференции

  1. 1975 - Les textes de Nag Hammadi. Colloque du Centre d’Histoire des Religions (Strasbourg, 23-25 octobre 1974) [pdf]
  2. 1977 - Gnosis and Gnosticism. Papers read at the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford, September 8th-13th 1975) [pdf]


  1. 2015 - Телемский О. Гностицизм как начало индивидуального самосознания. Истоки, пути, факты [mp4]